第五章. DataLink Layer 資料鏈結層
1. Error Detection Logical Link Control (LLC)
- Parity checks:
- even(偶數個1), odd(奇數個1) -> detect single bit error
- two dimensional bit parity -> detect and correct single bit error
- 缺: 錯一串資料,不一定能偵測,無法更正
- checksumming:
- detect "errors" (e.g. flipped bits) in transmitted segment (only transport layer)
- 優: easy and fast to compute [in TCP/UDP]
- cyclic redundancy check
- 可偵測連續n bits的errors, e.g. CRC32 -> 32 bits
2. Multiple access protocols Media Access Control (MAC)
- Channel Partitioning protocols -> 適合heavy loading
- TDMA (time division multiple access): 缺點是不能搶BW,不用浪費,無法達到rateR
- FDMA (frequency division multiple access): 缺點是沒用到的band浪費,無法達到rateR
- CDMA (code division multiple access): 所有的user分享一樣的frequency,但使用自己的code去編碼;通常用在無線寬頻(cellular satellite)
- Random access protocols -> 適合light loading
- Slotted ALOHA: collision之後,以P的機率決定下次slot是否傳送data;缺點是collision wasting slots,會有idle slot
- ALOHA: 有packet就立即送出,collision機會變大
- CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access with collision detection):
- channel idle -> 傳送;channel busy -> wait idle
- collision -> Jam signal, then exponential back off K={0,1,~,2^m-1}, m=min(n,10), t=K*512 bit times [slot time=0.1us * 512=51.2us]
- Taking-truns protocols: polling / token passing
3. Address Resolution Protocols (ARP): 建立IP/MAC的對照表
4. Ethernet: 46~1500 bytes (+18 bytes header), CSMA/CD
- 10Base2: 10Mbps, max 2m; 10BaseT: Twisted pair
- Hubs: physical-layer repeaters
- Switch: link-layer device, store and forward
- Router: network-layer device
- Manchester encoding: 1: up to down; 0: down to up, 讓sender和receiver同步,避免一連串0/1的資料
5. Point-to-point protocol (PPP): 點對點(2點), no multiple access control
6. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM): 建立連線來保留資源,QoS