第一章. Basic Concept Programs=Algorithms+Data Structures 程式是“演算法”加上“資料結構”
1. Pointer 指標
- *: the dereferencing operator
- &: the address operator
int *pi, i;
pi = &i; => i = 10; *pi = 10;
2. Allocation
- pi = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); 給int大小的空間
- 要free,否則會dangling reference
3. Algorithms
- Input: 有0或1個以上的輸入量
- Output: 至少1個以上的輸出量
- Definiteness: 描述必須無歧義(unambiguous)
- Finiteness: 有限步驟內完成
- Effectiveness: 有可行性,可實作
4. Data type:
- a collection of objects and a set of operators, e.g. {0, +1, -1, ...}, + / * / %
5. Abstract Data Type: 資料型態+運算
- the specification of the objects and the operations on the objects is separated from the representation of the objects and the implementation of the operations, package (Ada) or class (C++)
6. Performance Analysis
- Space Complexity:
- Fixed: 程式碼,變數空間
- Variable: Input/Output佔用的stack
- Time Complexity:
- Ο上界: 0≤f(n)≤cg(n) Ο(g(n))
- Ω下界: 0≤cg(n)≤f(n) Ω(g(n))
- Θ: 0≤c1g(n)≤f(n)≤c2g(n) Θ(g(n))
- e.g. f(n)=n^2-3n 0≤n^2-3n≤cn^2 Ο(n^2)
7. Performance Measurement:
- event timing in C: 量測執行時間